Tuesday 19 April 2016

Construction: Raw Footage And Bloopers

Bellow is a combination of raw footage and bloopers from our filming at our two locations.

After gathering all of our footage and uploading it to Premier pro, it became apparent that it would be necesarry to re film, as there were aspects of the filming in which we could have improved on. For example, whilst filming in our first location (the quarry), the camera died before we had completed all of the required shots, therefore re filming the entire thing would ensure that the lighting and continuity was correct. 

Also, we felt that some of the props did not fully make sense or were not clear to the audience. For example Leah's character originally had a knife, as shown in this video, however we later decided that a lump hammer would be more appropriate as it's the same weapon used in the murder in which she is trying to recreate. We also used an image of the original murder victim on the research board so that the flashback makes more sense.

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