Tuesday 17 November 2015

Research: Codes And Conventions Of Horror Films


"Asystem of words, ​letters, or ​signs used to ​represent a ​message in ​secretform, or a ​system of ​numbers, ​letters, or ​signals used to ​represent something in a ​shorter or more ​convenientform"
Codes can be split into two categories;

- Technical Codes

Technical codes are the different ways the equipment is used to tell the story. Sound is used to create tension within a scene and the camera angles shows a different perspective of characters, scenery and objects. For example, a high angle shot, looking down on a character may suggest that they are in a position of vulnerability.

- Symbolic Codes.

Symbolic codes, on the other hand, are the less obvious things that gives the audience extra information. An example of this would be the features of mise-en-scene, which include all props, costumes and make-up as well as the setting. For example, the clothing that a character wears can tell the audience a lot about the character’s personality. Also, the actions of the characters show what the character is feeling during important scenes


Conventions are the things in which you, as the audience, would expect to witness whilst engaged in watching the action in a horror movie.
For example, a secluded location is a common convention. Characters are usually located in an area of seclusion, where no help is available if in danger.

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